Sunday, July 4, 2010
HOKKAIDO FAIR 2010~!shall post the photo's when i'm free! && tomorrow got schoooool ): heard alot of korean song, feel so happy.
Labels: oishi
5:07 AM
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Went to my cousin's house
for house warming today.
so many people. had buffet. drank a little sip of beer,
so refreshing`~~~~~~~
And chatted for awhile then. Went to my
house and clear up stuffs. The dust is killing me!!~
But the wind damm shiok. Just drank red bull
confirm today cannot sleep.
Labels: FT island fighting for your new album. ^ ^
3:03 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today is family day ^ ^
went to orchard. The new shopping
centre SCAPE. my sister say she want to
go STAGE~ so we went. Abit wierd. once you step in a celebrity shop, got
a wierd feeling. dont know why. So cool.
& bought 2 stage clothes $100+ but got promotion.
got one can glow in the dark, cool.~~
Then went to orchard central. saw alot of japanese.
they do cosplay, all i can say is stylo milo~ one girl wear the blue wig
until the knee. O M G. And got some singaporeans look at them and say about them
because they wear until very kua zhang, cannot meh, Is japan's trend.
lol. and also alot of MARIAAAA!
maid HAHA.~ They wear maid dress. so kawaiii. lol~
so far i only know one of them. the one drawing circle on the floor is death note. 'L'
Labels: i realised my fringe grow longer le. yay
5:50 AM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
clear and clean up the store room, found alot of things.
hehe, i found my barbie that i used to play when i was young.
very tired, climb up and down. And also kena suan by my ah gong and sister.
he say in hokkien. you can touch the things on the top meh, your leg short short tip toe
also cant touch. Then nevermind. i took out a bag, got alot of CD. Bob the builder, mickey mouse,
5566, S.H.E! all my memories came back to me. Also got baby clothes that i use to wear. i found the clothes very cute haha. And one is thing is the store room alot of dust.
2:00 AM
Monday, June 21, 2010
10:35 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! went to celebrate mother's day today, but first, went to the salon to do hair treatment. And i saw phua chu kang(gurmit sing) at wheelock haha. Then went to celebrate. took photos, and some on polariod, but cant upload now, and i need to go airport soon, my brother coming back from nepal. if i free then upload. ^.^ ps: my house is full of hongki's pictures, everywhere i go i see him (: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MUMMY, AND GRANDMA. JUST NOW I GAVE GRANDMA THE ROSE, SHE SAY THANK YOU, THE WAY SHE SAY AWW SO CUTE ^.* HAHA (:
Labels: Flower Rock.
4:47 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today went to Kbox with xinni and gwen had a lot of fun.
there's promotion so we only need to pay $8. Then we went to the room and sing.
halfway singing, xinni went to the toilet, then on the way she come back,
she saw some girls, from the other room, dancing to ring ding dong, and is abit wierd.
from what i saw, gwen was laughing too. So i went back in the room to demonstrate how they dance. we sang quite alot like, ( time to love, bo beep bo beep, ring ding dong, i hope, round and round, manmanhani) and some more. Then we decided to sing some english song, so me and xinni was singing to lady gaga song, RAH RAH OO LALA.... The way we sing was like so angmoish. i dont know how to describe, but was super fun. Then i went out to take the food
menu, damm expensive, and was only finger food like nuggets, french fries, you know how mush it cost? $10. so forget it. Then we continue singing, i was dancing to 2pm heartbreaker, i was demonstrating taecyeon, cause when he dance, he uses alot of power. (: Then we took some pictures, super cold. next time must really remember to bring jacket. Then went to eat dinner, and gwen bought her bag, and we went home. ^.^ shall upload the photos tomorrow. cause the pictures not with me.
7:39 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
AHHHHHHHHHHH! So fast past one month how can it be,
hais, tomorrow school start ): Today is just so funny, a piano that
can play by itself, like what you can see if you watch ghost show, looks so interesting,
and scary at the same time. i really enjoy today, the last day of holiday! ^_^
4:08 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
sorry people, cant meet up with you guys today, as you know for me today is my family day!
maybe next week? ^_^
Labels: i want to go resort world
4:23 AM
super nice ^_^
Happy Belated birthday brother. postpone the celebration till today, because of school and very busy this few days.
4:09 AM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today, went to tanjong pagar, went to the korean restaurant where im going to work on
30th march, maybe... Then after that walk walk, and saw a korean supermarket, so cool, like
everything also they sell, i bought the fish waffle ice cream, super nice. then went ion, and went home. And i saw my korean teacher, woah, i can say, she's rich. Then we went to the bus stop and chit chat for awhile, damm stress man, she ask me talk to her in korean, cause she want to see i improve until where. Then my bus come already so i say, AHA, my bus is here, then i say annyeong to her.
but next week is a GG for me!
5:59 AM
Monday, March 15, 2010
haha, hongki's mum so witty, whats your motive!
hongki is so upset.):
3:47 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
yesterday i went to the IT fair, and everywhere i go also got snsd MV video in the tv, so cool.
Then went to see all the laptops, the disadvantage and advantage, decided to buy the one i liked, then bought and went home. (:
Labels: love mummy and papa.
1:41 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Yesterday, was so tired had lesson for one whole day, luckily, the teacher ended us early, if not i think i will be late for the movie. i took train to orchard mrt, and rush like a mad woman to shaw house. Xinni ask me faster, cause the movie going to start soon, then xinni say Lim xiao cong, talking to them, all the memories, then after that he go, and when i reached, he came back again, cause his wife go toilet, then he started talking crap... HAHA! Then we when in the theatre Lido 2(3D) Alice In Wonderland, i so long never watch english show already. agree? heehee, then vanessa say crystal, i think i saw a guy tying bun, because she talk like a guy, but in the end is Mo Xiao Ling. Omg, shocked sia, then i told xinni is mo xiao ling, at first she dont believe, then she saw it with her own eyes, and its real. the last time, the butterfly fly out, i thought the butterfly really fly out, and its flying towards us, then i wanted to catch it but, its 3D. hais.
11:51 PM
Sunday, March 7, 2010
took photo's because i've got nonthing better to do. (: so random ^_^
3:10 AM
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Today went to work im so happy, there's a korean family come to the restaurant to eat, after they eat, they want their ice-cream, but they say in korean,so one of the server dont understand, so they was like anyone know korean? i was like, i know, but i still learning, so not very professional. They said: ice-cream chusaeyo, i said: deh! then they ask me, tangshin hangul saram aeyo? i said: anyeo, then they said really? i said: ya, then they say, but you look like one, then the daughter around my age tell her mother i look like brown eyed girls GA-IN, omg, i shocked sia. I say, no way, she's so sexy,tall and pretty. HAHA! Then they say,so watse that you are not a korean, i was like why? they say because most korean guys like short girls, and with bangs, because her daughter very tall. 167cm. wow. i say: really? omg i love korea! they gave me their korean phone number, so i can contact them when i visit korea, then someone ask me, exucse me, this is a japanese restaurant, but why are you speaking korean? i was like. ... oh HAI! simimaseh.
After work went to gather with my new made friends, we only know each other for a week, they so hyper sia, keep go out, then ask me go here and there, then i say, then i no need to work ah? we are like a clique, quite a number in love with ft island (: all like different guys, me: hongki, pamela: minhwan, trendy: jajejin, junwoo: jonghyun and '' rara'': seunhyung. and one odd one out de, like jokwon. actually we like all lah, but if choose the faourite one....Then we went walk walk, talk talk,
Home Sweet Home!
Labels: hongSTAR
6:19 AM
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The korean class i had was a memorable one.
Finally i can get to learn korean, The teacher treat me like her young sister.
cant wait to go out with her again, and learn more things. getting busier day by day.
yay, im going to have a laptop soon. dont know which brand to choose.
10:52 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HongKi 오빠. 생일 축하합니다 ! ^_^ お誕生日おめでとうございます
Labels: 사랑해 오빠
6:53 AM
Friday, February 26, 2010
heehee, im back again. today i very clumpsy sia, keep knocking on thing.
hais, then someone hor, laugh at me, you should know ar. Today brown eyed girls
come singapore, haha. but so many people.
2:59 AM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
(: Interesting
11:49 PM
Hello, so long never post already, only post video. super cute and funny. really look exactly like minho. Today in class we did some computer work, hard man. must study for the upcoming test, when we were getting ready to leave the classroom cause class is already ending, then teacher want to make an annoucement, the class was thinking that it is a good thing, like holiday or whatever, in the end, the teacher said please get ready for your test, everyone like shocked. WHY???? i don't like test. (.__.) Then when to the customer service ask about ez-link card, afterthat went to the atm machine transfer money. ^.^ Then we went to took the bus to tampinese then take mrt. The train quite slow, and caiyi fell asleep and after i also fall asleep, then suddenly caiyi tap on my shoulder say: crystal, you see the ang mo couple on the left, i laugh, cause they racist about indian woman, say their hair curly like gou bu li gou li gou! Then after that the angmo couple start to kiss here and there, very disturbing. Then pizza wrote something on her phone say, they like want to sex. i said: i think they want go hotel, caiyi say: go aljunied cause very cheap, then i say: but angmo leh, high class want. Omg, like movie sia, must be R21 then can see.
10:20 PM
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What a tiring day, don't know why this few days so sleepy.
when to school this morning with vanessa & caiyi, because we
start the same time. i slept on the MRT, then there's one guy
keep sms me like start from yesterday, he say he want to know me,
then talk talk, he call me sia, i was like who are you, he say he study in simei ite.
but i really dont know who, then he suddenly ask me got boyfriend, crazy want lor,
i say no, and he ask me whether want to be together with him, i say er..
no friends can. havent even saw the look then he so straightforward.
i wonder how he get my number want sia. :O Today i eat bread in the morning, cause
cannot eat heavy breakfast or else i will vomit. So i eat bread, so nice the bread.
when back to class, caiyi cried. i was shocked my reaction was like, cause i want ask her
something, then suddenly saw tears coming out her eyes. hais. but after she cry
she become super hyper, hahaha :DD Fizah say she crazy already, from cry
become so hyper. Then after school when to meet up with vanessa eat lunch.
Labels: tired.
11:45 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!~ ^.* santa claus is coming to town.
Labels: enjoy.
2:23 AM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i'm super crazy about this drama. is super funny and touching (^-^) ep 11 is really funny. argh, jeremy. (wow it's sour*) his favourite fruit, apple and orange.
3:09 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
After our D&T examination, we went down to the canteen because our form prepared a class party for us, because its our last day in school, He bought alot that we cant finished it. This girl called shuwen can eat 5 pizza total.~ haha. Then we chatted for awhile then after that she took class photo and we went home. Although we dont really like coming to school, but we might not be able to come back again, because the best memorise are still in school ^^;;;
5:23 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today was really a bad day for vanessa, because we went to the gym room. for P.E because we got nothing to do, and vanessa tried using the trackmill, and i was talking to someone then i heard a loud ''BONG'' sound, OMO, it was vanessa falling and everyone laugh because of her clumsynesss. but its me i think i also will fall because i also quite clumsy haha ^^;;; Then our tallest girl in class Shu wen was using the track mill, because christopher trying to disturb so she started running, and vanessa she put her foot inside the track mill where it can actually hurt your foot or lose it even, she put her foot in and her food got stuck, then she started screaming ouch ouch, when we all did'nt notice it so were shu wen(the owner) Then shuwen saw it can she quickly switched it off, and she pulled her foot out, scaryyyy. and her shoe was abit torn. This is the vanessa clumsynessss. stay tuned to more of vanessa clumsynessss. Thank You byebye.
12:19 AM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
today school is half boring half funny.
xinni talk about the black seaweed, and the difference
between why asian cannot and eurasians can. & after that xinni
asked her whether she cut or remove it, she say remove a little bit
if not very long. OMO, i laugh until stomache, xinni also laughed.
today we are so sick. ^^;;;
12:38 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Labels: I love youㅠㅠ
7:54 AM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Yay, getting another ipod touch tomorrow.
& also sending to put some blink blink, my favourite.
Momma is the best. (: & her birthday is coming soon
what should i buy for her? well, i'm still thinking because
did not signal me anything. haha.
Labels: 사랑해요
5:46 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009