Today, don't know why, i feel so cold.
and headache. after exam there's chinese oral.
i'm the last because my register number is 25 and need to wait
quite long. there's two invigilators spying on us and keeping track
of the time. Then my headache become more serious.
so the teacher come and asked me, are you feeling alright,
are you feeling cold. Then i say i just recovered. Then she suggest
that i should take the oral first. because she say she is
scared that i faint. I was very happy because i feel very
tired so i wish that i can go home early and rest. Yun ru was actually the
next but i took her place, i was kind of smiling because i took her place and
she showed the jealous face haha. She may be thinking that she should use that excuse
but i think also no use because she is still after me. Then its my turn. i went
into the examination. I totally dont understand why is the invigilator both in china.
And talk so abnormally, They should hire those singaporeans that speak pure chinese.
But nevemind, i managed to read the passage correctly. and conversation went of quite smoothly. Then they smile at me, and i smile at them and they say i look like korean.
Then i was like oh thank you (in chinese.)
1:38 AM
Harry Potter Yay.Can't wait for part 2.
vanessa, xinni, crystal, saranya and jesslyn:)
6:46 AM
AHHHHHHHHH!4 more days to prelim.
must study. cannot slack anymore.
CRYSTAL! wake up.don't be lazy.
hope this spell works.
2:45 AM
on the way walking up to the classroom.
me, xinni & vanessa saw cockroache.
we screamed, but the stupid thing is that it 's
dead. what a relieve.
haha:) what to do, we're all scared of
small bugs and insect. :/
Labels: creepy.
7:49 PM
Today, was raining.And the thing is no solar
eclipse. hoping that it will come since yesterday.
But there was no signs of it. Because it raining even more
heavily. And the weather is also very cold. SARANYA's hair
maybe standing right now. due to the long growth of hair. HAHA:)
now is free computer time. And i saw this video quite funny.
the hair look like boys over flower Gu Junpyo hair.
also known as 狗不理狗理狗!Enjoy the video.
Labels: boring):
7:20 PM
Me, Vanessa & Saranya went to eat the we went to the provision shop
to buy lollipop, i bought a lollipop that can whistle.
and they bought cola lollopop, then we went back to school to
study. We wanted to prank MR LIEW! so i decided to call and say
KFC DELIVERY!! then i faster hang up the phone. And when we want to
walk to the saw, we can feel that there's someone look at us. and he walk towards
us, then we laugh and walk back to the class. on the way we met mr Lee
and because i was playing with the whistle he kept laughing, he say how you
blow so accurate, then each time i blow, he laughed. the way he laugh was really very funny.
Oh My God !! today i saw a sensored thing. it was (hard to describe)
me, sarah & vanessa cannot take it. Then melissa and
kenneth chasing around because of something, then melissa
fell down, and sarah laugh (so bad). melissa it must have hurt.
but i still laugh alot today. can't wait for saturday. Girls day out.
3:29 AM
vanessa and saranya!
Today school hours were very long. and eng the
teacher keep asking me to answer questions.
Then after school go opposite eat with vanessa
and saranya. Then we went back to school to continue with our
studies and project. And after that saranya requested to stop work.
because its too boring and took photos of her. Then went to the locker
and went back home.
4:18 AM

i'm in love with boys over flowers.
李敏镐!(이민호 )
5:50 PM